Nissan Figaro - Exterior Finished!

Finally done with the exterior! Took about 2 weeks to get to this point. Photoshop rendering is very time intensive since shiny objects are not my strength.

The theme started with the thought of applying Japanese masking tape prints and colors. And that is exactly how the design process started, just playing around with layering tapes. While playing with different combinations, I got overwhelmed with options. What I was missing is thinking about the customer and a mood board, which is how I usually start a project. Once those are solid, I can narrow down a direction to proceed.

This new technique of using tapes to quickly apply blocks of color during the design process is tons of fun. I highly recommend color designers to experiment with this method at some point.

Check out my process on my Nissan Figaro portfolio page. Next on my agenda is color and trim for the interior.


